Nutrition for Breast Cancer Prevention?
No food or eating style can prevent the development of breast cancer 100%. But we know certain eating pattern reduce the risk of development breast cancer for the first time, and also reduce the risk of recurrence.

Risk reduction through food changes is shifting the way we think about food and nutrition. The goal is to move away from 'dieting' and to create a new way of eating through gradual lifestyle change.
So what does the science say about this. Here are some of the research results:
Anti-diabetic eating (DRRD). In this study, the researcher showed people with a high adherence to a DRRD is 31% to 33% less likely to develop breast cancer in postmenopausal women, and most interestingly, people within the 'normal weight' range.
High-fibre 'diet'. A case-controlled follow up study showed that a diet high in fiber was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer amongst pre-menopausal women. The study, which followed over 50,000 women for 10 years, found that those who consumed the most fiber had a 7% lower risk of developing breast cancer than those who consumed the least fiber.
'Healthy' plant-based eating: This study from France based on data from over 65,000 postmenopausal women who were tracked for more than 2 decades. It found that a healthy plant-based diet was linked with a 14% lower risk of breast cancer, whereas an unhealthy plant-based diet was linked with a 20% higher risk of breast cancer. The findings were consistent across all breast cancer subtypes.
So what does this all mean for each of us? Using these information, starting with once a week, a colourful Buddha bowl made up of sweet potato, hummus, kidney beans, a small serving of salmon, broccoli, watercress and sprouts maybe a way to reduce the risk. Even better, think to ourselves 'I will make this on a Sunday for lunch after grocery shopping' so knowledge becomes time-specific actionable plan, not just casual reading for entertainment. While nothing is guaranteed in life, it will probably also reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes and some heart problems, along with breast cancer.