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Nutrition Services for people with all abilities (NDIS)

​Shirley has worked with many people living with a disability, along with their families and carers.  She has received further training in nutrition for people living disability through professional organisations such as Cerebral Palsy Alliance.


Shirley has experience and understanding working with different forms of disability:

 - Mental illness: Depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder

 - Intellectual disability such as Down syndrome 

 - Autism

 - Physical disability including cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis 

 - Genetic disorder such as Maple syrup disease, Prader–Willi syndrome


Shirley offers the following nutrition services:

  • Nutrition assessment and individual nutrition counselling working towards healthy eating behaviours and practices

  • Group Home meal plan development, including suitable recipes for carer skills, time, budget

  • Development of accessible food and drink grocery lists

  • Development of pictorial food guide 

  • Mealtime management plan

  • Collaboration with other health professional you have (with your consent) e.g. speech pathologist, behavioural therapist

  • Practical nutrition education session for yourself, family or carer workers to build capacity and nutrition self-management e.g. how to choose suitable food items, how to use kitchen scales etc. 

  • Development of healthy eating program plans for care workers to help the participant gradually implement changes in eating habits

  • Teach how to establish nutritionally  adequate meals, even if you are on a tight budget

  • Food ordering advice during eating out (takeaway, cafe, restaurant)

  • Guided approach in trying new food and expand food choices


Our aim is that you, your loved one or your client can access quality dietitian service to achieve your goals.


Nutritional Cooking

Service Price


If you have available funds in your approved NDIS plan (support category: CB Improved Health & Wellbeing, CB Improved Daily Living or Core Assistance with Daily Life), there will be no out-of-pocket fees for these services.


Dietitian fees are charged at $190 per hour (within the NDIS price limit). Billable hours may include face-to-face time, non face-to-face time such as preparation of report, program planning, nutrition resource development  and travel time. See the FAQ section for details. 

Dietitian consultation, meal planning and practical nutrition services are funded under the NDIS scheme. Funding category can be under:

- Capacity Building: Improved Daily Living, or

- Capacity Building: Improved Health and Wellbeing, or

- Core: Assistance with Daily Life


How can I see Shirley? 


Shirley offers telehealth consultation if it is suitable for the person with disability and their family. â€‹


How do I arrange for a dietitian to see me, my loved one or my client?


Step 1: Fill out the referral form here

Once the referral form is received, you will be contacted within 24 hours. Shirley will discuss with you the reason for consultation, any specific request of the type of dietitian service required (e.g. Meal plans, grocery list, easy-to-understand nutrition teaching, in-home cooking skill teaching etc) . This information helps to estimate the total number of dietitian hours needed to set up a service agreement. This service agreement will be sent to you to review. Once you have signed the service agreement, we will commence 


Step 2 :  Initial appointment (allow for 90 minutes)


This initial session covers:

- Dietetics assessment: Getting to know your living arrangement, circumstances, abilities relating to food and nutrition, health situation and NDIS plan goals etc.

- Discuss and develop dietetics goal to support plan goals, how they are worked towards for the duration of your plan

- If time permits, nutrition counselling/teaching can also commence in this initial session.


A detailed report (if requested) will be prepared within 2 weeks to be sent to your nominated person. 


Step 3: Ongoing sessions (60-90 minutes each)

Ongoing sessions is when we 'get to work' on your goals within the hours allocated. 


Step 4: End of therapy plan report (if requested)

This will document a summary of therapy, progress to date and further therapy goals and plan. Future dietitian hours for the subsequent NDIS plan may be recommended in this report.


A word on NDIS


Not sure if you eligible for NDIS or want to register your interest? Use the NDIA Access Checklist here ( NDIA phone number is 1800 800 110. 


*Travel hours is charged according to the most current NDIS guidelines. Maximum travel time charged each visit is 30 minutes at therapist nominated rate for each home visit. 




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